"Докато има бедни и богати, управляващи и управлявани, няма да има мир, нито мирът ще бъде желан, защото такъв мир ще бъде основан на политическо, икономическо и социално неравенство за милиони човешки същества, които страдат от глад, безчинства, затвор и смърт, докато малко малцинство се наслаждава на всякакви видове удоволствия и свободата да не правят нищо"

Рикардо Флорес Магон, 1911

26 февруари 2011

Antifa action in Sofia (25.02.2011)

Around 30 young people blocked road traffic for 20 minutes in the evening of 25 February 2011 in one of the most busy street in Sofia.

This action was taken after one immigrant was beaten by neo-nazis (you can see him at 1:29 at the video). While he was going home he was surrounded by a group of fashists, hit in the head and when he has felt on the ground they started to kick him for several minutes. He is in Bulgaria from 8 years and he fled Afghanistan after talibans promised to kill him because some of his relatives cooperated with anti-taliban forces. This is the 7th time that he is attacked by fascists in Bulgaria.

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