"Докато има бедни и богати, управляващи и управлявани, няма да има мир, нито мирът ще бъде желан, защото такъв мир ще бъде основан на политическо, икономическо и социално неравенство за милиони човешки същества, които страдат от глад, безчинства, затвор и смърт, докато малко малцинство се наслаждава на всякакви видове удоволствия и свободата да не правят нищо"

Рикардо Флорес Магон, 1911

09 декември 2010

Pupils in Bulgaria’s Sliven hold protest

Sliven. More than 500 pupils have gathered outside the building of the local government in the southern town of Sliven to hold a protest and insist on a longer Christmas holiday, FOCUS – Sliven Radio reports.
However, the protest turned into a riot, with the pupils hurling eggs, plastic containers and smoke bombs at the building of the municipality. The police detained the pupils who were throwing the smoke bombs. Some of the participants in the protests dissociated themselves from their riotous peers and said the violent behavior had not been initially planned.
The pupils said that they would not go to school on January 3, when their Christmas holiday is supposed to be over.




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