"Докато има бедни и богати, управляващи и управлявани, няма да има мир, нито мирът ще бъде желан, защото такъв мир ще бъде основан на политическо, икономическо и социално неравенство за милиони човешки същества, които страдат от глад, безчинства, затвор и смърт, докато малко малцинство се наслаждава на всякакви видове удоволствия и свободата да не правят нищо"

Рикардо Флорес Магон, 1911

29 септември 2009

News from Bulgaria – September 2009

On 8 September 2009 police attacked a gypsy community in city of Burgas. People who live there start to throw stones against the police. Authorities sent the police to demolish some buildings there. Why ? Because people who lived there did not pay taxes and their homes where built without permission. Some of these people have been living there for 30 years and now they don't have a place to live. But authorities do not care, they care only about the money.

In the beginning of the month unknown group painted anarchist symbols on the car of a deputy from the far right bulgarian party "Ataka". Two week later someone posted a communique on internet claiming that this action was done by "disaster anarchists".

This month Federation of Anarchists in Bulgaria and "Anarcho-Resistance" organized a protest in front of serbian embassy in solidarity with the imprisoned serbian anarcho-syndicalists. You can read report here.

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